Ep. 1: The “Flatten the Curve” Fallacy

Dr. Joseph Fraiman and writer Dan Glass discuss why “flatten the curve” was the wrong public message, and why “crushing the curve” is the real goal.

“Flatten the curve” is the ubiquitous phrase presented by health authorities and media as the common goal for controlling the spread of COVID-19. It is a fallacy, and does not get us out of the crisis. Reducing transmission of the coronavirus just enough to not overwhelm hospital capacity results in the same number of people dying, just over a longer period of time. Instead, the idea should be to crush the curve, and eliminate the disease. This episode explains the mechanics of how this can happen in the U.S., as it is in other countries despite news of recent flareups. If you’re wondering what health officials and governments should be looking at to guide decision-making about the pandemic, our first episode will clarify. 

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