Ep. 3: Who Wants the Covid Vax?

Doctors across the country are being asked if they want the vaccine, and they’re not all giving the same answer. Joe explains why, and talks about how the vaccine could be rolled out to protect the most people. Dan touches on the difficulties and fears of communicating complex messages to the public. This one is quick, clear, and useful.

Ep. 2: try-weekly update — First Look at the Biden-Harris Plan

The Biden-Harris Plan to Beat COVID-19 (https://buildbackbetter.gov/priorities/covid-19/) is an actual plan! Well, it’s more a list of wants that represent the kinds of minimum requirements one should expect from a government. But nowadays, that means progress! Some gems here from Joe about vaccine monitoring and firefighters and/or military as contact tracers, and Dan gives the darkest joke of the week.

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